Friday, November 28, 2008

Tabata Principle Work Out

Okay, so yesterday was Thanksgiving. My plan was to have a good work out and build a caloric deficit so I could eat more than I normally would. My work out looked like this:
360 Defense Review
Inside Defense Review
Tabata Protocol
Squats - 8 cycles - 20
Push Ups - 8 Cylces - 8
Punches - 8 Cycles - How do you count that
Treadmill - For cool down

Then I left with my wife and kids to go to my inlaws. Before I left I had 3 oz of chicken and 40 oz of water just to fill me up a little bit. Went to my mother in laws and ate pretty well, then went to my brothers and had more desert.

Today I weighed in a 207.6 pounds only up about 1 pound from yesterday. With out the Tabata work out, it most certainly would have been more

Tomorrow I have class from 10:30 - 11:30 and will do an additional Tabata push up and squat cycle at the end of class. Assuming I can move. ;-)

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