Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Killer Krav Maga Work Out

I can't quite do all of these yet but these are killer work outs.... Bug ups to the folks at Krav Maga - Kensington.
Tabata this:A Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat each exercise 8 times (4 minutes). Your score for each exercise is the least number of reps you completed in 1 round. Finish one exercise before moving on.
The exercises are as follows:
SquatsPush-upsSit upsPull-upsBurpeesWorkout No.2Repeat 3 timesRun 800m30 push ups30 squatsWorkout No.3Complete for best time:Run 400m50 squatsRun 400m50 push-upsRun 400m50pull-upsRun 400m50 sit-upsWith the above exercise its ok to start lower with the bodyweight exercises and build up. So to start with just go to your maximum to be able to complete the exercise.Remember this is meant to be hard work. Long slow endurance is nowhere to be found in a streetfight.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I will be building my calorie deficit so I can splurge a little.

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless,

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