Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Krav Maga and Health

Since starting Krav Maga classes 4 weeks ago I have seen a real transformation in my body composition. In fact my Chiropractor said the same thing. Krav Maga is a seriously strong work out.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I wish I could move

Wow, I am so sore today. Two days ago I did 3 cycles on a tabata work out. All 3 were 9 rotations long (9 of the 20/10) the first was on an airdyne bike, followed by squats and push ups. (I couldn't complete the push ups as I had nothing left after the first two sets.) For the last two days I have had a hard time sitting, standing, walking, yeah that bad.

TABATA - Japenese for "This is going to hurt."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wow that is a creative and tasty way to defend yourself

This was an AP article -
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A man using a candy cane lawn ornament fended off a knife-wielding neighbor who had been attacking holiday guests at a Sacramento home. Police spokesman Sgt. Norm Leong said the man used the two-foot-tall plastic ornament to subdue the attacker until officers arrived.
He said the 49-year-old suspect became intoxicated, went over to a neighbor's home on Thanksgiving and began waving a kitchen knife at people gathered on the lawn.
He cut several peoples' clothing before one of them decided to fight back.
Police said the man with the knife was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. The guest who took up the candy cane was not arrested because police determined he acted in self-defense.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You say Tabata I say Work Outta

So the last two days I have done a Tabata based work out using an airdyne bike at the hotel. WOW! That was so hard. If you haven't tried it I highly suggest doing it.

Mike wife and I are considering the turbulance training work out. If you know anything about let me know.

Day 3 - Ouch that looked like it hurt

Today we worked on headlocks from the side. The defense for this involves a step to the front with the leg on the opposite side of the head lock. While stepping in to the attacker you strike at the groin with an open palm on the hand that is on the same side as the leg stepping forward this is now your lower hand. With the hand that is on the same side of the headlock strike the eyes and pull backwards.

We also finished with a gang attack concept.

Too much fun to have in one day!